Short Bio

My love for taking photos started at the young age of 9 when my parents got me a "U-Build" 110 pocket camera kit that I put together myself and I've enjoyed it ever since. People, animals, nature... Beauty is everywhere.


There is no separation of spirituality from life. To live is to experience the divine in action. Like a fractal Universe, each part of nature contains within it the sacredness of the whole. The photos, painting, and art that I create have layered spiritual undercurrents. They are ethereal, yet at the same time, down to earth. They invite the viewer to think, imagine, dream, and expand their view- to see from a new perspective. As a neurodivergent individual, I have always been an outsider, alien, an observer of life, admiring from the outer edges. From there I have witnessed the innate beauty of the natural world and it has left me want for documenting its fragile fleeting moments in time. From these small snippets of my observations, may you also get some glimpses into that mystery.